
Презентация на тему "британский музей".

Right Bank (Rive droite) and Left Bank (Rive Gauche) – defined by the flow of the Seine, from East to West. The Eiffel Tower and the Latin Quarter are Rive Gauche. The Louvre and the Arc de Triomphe are Rive Droite. The Mus?e de Cluny is built on top of a Roman Villa and you can visit the Roman bath-house! It is the medieval museum for France. The Conciergerie was the Prison for those destined to be guillotined. It housed King Louis XVI and Queen Marie Antoinette and their children. You can visit the cells. The catacombs are the spooky tour, with millions of tastefully arranged skeletons in a hundred kilometres of subterranean passages – don’t get lost! Entry is near Metro Denfert Rochereau. The sewers – made famous by Hugo in his book, Les Miserables – are a fine working example of 19th century infrastructure. Entry is from a quai on the River Seine near Les Invalides. Chatelet near the Hotel de Ville is the world’s largest Metro station covering twelve levels.

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The Hermitage

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    One of the world-wide known museums is the Hermitage. The word "Hermitage" means "a place of solitude". This name was given in the XVIII century by Catherine П to her private museum housed in a small building adjacent to the Winter Palace and accessible only to the chosen few.

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    In the course of time, the Hermitage grew into one of the greatest museums of the world. At the present, the collections take up five interconnected buildings. The museum retains its old name. The accumulation of artefacts let to the formation of new departments devoted to the culture and art of the Peoples of the East, of the Prehistoric culture, and of the Russian culture. Three other departments are those of Western European art, classical antiquities and numismatics.

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    One of the rooms that impressed visitor the most is St. George Hall. The interior of the room is considered by experts to be a perfect example of the Classical Style. The room covers about 800 square metres, but does not seem enormous due to perfect proportions. It is decorated in the whitest marble and gilded bronze. The Throne Hall was used for column assemblies. Members of the Tzar"s family, when coming of age, took their oaths here.

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    The Leonardo da Vinci Hall is one of the most gorgeous interiors. The hall is decorated in the style of 17 century French Baroque. The Hermitage possesses two, out of 12 or 14 works surviving from Leonardo.

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    “Madonna Benua”

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    “Madonna Litta”

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    The Rembrandt collection is one of the most treasured possessions of the museum. It members 24 canvases.

    The Return of the Prodigal Son

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    “The Holy Family”

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    The Malachite Room reflects the style of 1889. The columns, pilasters, and floorlamps are veneered with thin plaques of rich green malachite. About two tons of malachite were used in decoration of the room.

    Музеи Лондона

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    Танянской Лидией Ивановной

    учителем английского языка

    Museums of London

    There are a lot of various museums in London.

    They tell the story of London and its people.

    In you can see 44 massive columns and the reading room of the British Library. Also it is containing Britain’s most important collection of ancient art, writings, coins, drawings. The British Museum was opened in 1753. The Museum regularly organizes exhibitions in special halls .

    Only in London will you have the chance to visit the fictitious address of Sherlock Holmes and Dr Watson .

    The Science Museum is a famous museum in SW London, housing collections that illustrate the history and development of science, engineering and industry, with many working models.

    The Victoria and Albert Museum is a famous museum in South central London.It is named after Queen Victoria and her husband. It was opened in 1851.

    In one of the halls of the Victoria and Albert Museum you can see collections of sculpture, watercolours,miniatures and a large library.

    The National Gallery is an art gallery in Trafalgar Square, which contains the largest permanent collection of western paintings in Britain, most of which were painted between 1200 and 1900. It was opened in 1824.

    The Tate Gallery is one of London’s best known art galleries, opened in 1897. It contains a unique collection of British paintings from the 16 th century to the present day, as well as modern foreign paintings and sculpture.The Gallery also regularly hold special exhibitions.

    The museum of Madam Tussaud’s is a famous waxworks museum in London, opened in 1835 by Marie Tussaud(1760-1850).It contains wax figures of famous characters in both history and contemporary life.

    The Natural History Museum is a museum in London which is open to the public.It has 68 million specimens of animals, plants and minerals. It is famous for its collection of the bones of dinosaurs. It was opened in 1881.

    The Museum of London is a museum of London from prehistoric times to the present day,opened in 1976.

    The London transport Museum contains a large collection of buses, trams and carriages of tube. It is very popular for children.

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    История Британский музей был создан в 1753 на основе трёх коллекций - коллекции известного британского врача и натуралиста Хэнса Слоуна, коллекции графа Роберта Харли, а также библиотеки антиквара Роберта Коттона, которая стала основой Британской библиотеки. Создание музея было утверждено актом Британского парламента.

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    В первой половине XX века Британский музей расширил свои собрания ближневосточного искусства за счёт проведения британскими археологами многочисленных раскопок в Месопотамии. Раздел дальневосточного искусства наиболее ценной частью своего собрания обязан А. Стейну и П. Дэвиду. С 1926 года Британский музей издаёт ежеквартальный журнал «British Museum Quarterly». В конце XX века была проведена перепланировка внутреннего пространства по проекту Нормана Фостера.

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    Изначально одним из главных сокровищ музея была его библиотека, крупнейшая в Великобритании. Читальный зал Британского музея помещался с 1850-х годов в отдельном здании-ротонде, где работали Карл Маркс и В. И. Ленин. В XX веке в библиотеку поступили древнейшие печатные книги и буддистские рукописи из Дуньхуана, Синайский кодекс из Ленинграда и исключительная по полноте коллекция гебраистических текстов. В 1972 г. Британский парламент принял решение отделить библиотеку от музея, разместив её в отдельном здании. Так родилась Британская библиотека.

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    Шедевры Розеттский камень Музей изначально задумывался как собрание древностей Древней Греции и Древнего Рима. Вместе с археологическими находками и предметами искусства, которые свозили в Лондон со всех уголков колониальные агенты Британской империи, музей пополнялся рисунками, гравюрами, медалями, монетами и книгами самых разных эпох.

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    Штандарт войны и мира из шумерского города Ур одна из урских арф и настольная игра урского царя «Бараны в чаще» - парные статуэтки 4500-летней давности призма Синаххериба, цилиндр Набонида и цилиндр Кира кубок из Ринглмира пелерина из Молда человек из Линдоу таблички из Виндоланды ларец Фрэнкса материалы раскопок в Саттон-Ху шахматы с острова Льюис золотой кубок Карла V реликварий для Тернового венца многочисленные англосаксонские клады